Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Baby Blogger -"The Terrible Twos"

Hey everyone! I'm just beginning this blog, and really have no idea what I'm doing, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know what they are. I will be very grateful!

The purpose of this blog is really just to talk about my amazing children, and offer some advice, ideas, products, and information to other families out there who might be looking for it. Also, just to make others laugh, because our days here can be pretty CRAZY! I have two toddlers. They are fifteen months apart. My son will be 3 in April and my daughter will be 2 in July. Currently, I am 8 months pregnant, and I can't wait to get this baby out of me. My husband is a youth pastor at our Church/Academy (a ministry we absolutely love), and he is very busy with teenagers and their problems, and constantly coming in and out of our home. So, you can see how our days can be a little hectic and TIRING!

Right now, my son is going through something I dearly hope he will grow out of very soon. It is a stage someone has affectionately and accurately titled, "The Terrible Twos." (He will grow out of it won't he?)
It seems like all he does and cry, and talk back, and embarrass me in the grocery store and restaurants. (Is 2 years too old to be talking back? Maybe he's learning it from the teenagers.)

Well, today, we had a go of it. He started out by hitting his sister in the face, and getting his sledding privileges taken away. Then he decided he wasn't going to take a nap because "he's a baby and he needs his NUK." We recently took his pacifier away, and told him it's because he's a big boy now, so this is the line he uses when we lay him down. After that, he decided to be a stinker in the grocery store by running around and touching everything even after we demanded "Do not Touch!!" In the restaurant we ate at for dinner he made a scene because he didn't obey daddy when asked to sit in his chair on his bottom! (He likes to sit on his knees). This landed him in bed early where he sat by his door for an hour crying for Mommy.(I'm a softie, and he knows it). Will these days soon be over?

Another adventure awaits me tomorrow, I am sure! I know with the grace of God I will make it through it. My grandmother once said to me, "Children are one of two things. They are either heavy in your arms or heavy in your hearts." I definitley choose the earlier over the latter. My little boy may wear me out, but he is still my little boy. He still wraps his arms around my neck and tells me he loves me. And right now I know he is safely tucked in his bed, recharging for another round. The "Terrible Twos" aren't that terrible are they? :)

 If you can relate to a day like I had today, and want to know more about this wonderful phase of toddlerhood, check out It will show you a great program for stressed out parents in power struggles with 2 year olds. Give it a try!

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